0333 7727451, 01883 340 798 or 07926 199783 info@wantageindustrialcleaning.co.uk

Manufacturing Cleaning

Vantage Industrial Cleaning supports companies and organisations throughout the UK to uphold their health and safety commitments, whilst enabling the customer to maintain continuous operations wherever possible.


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Our Services Include:

A comprehensive Environmental Hygiene Survey and Safe Systems of Work package

Dedicated on-site Managers who constantly monitor quality control and safety procedure

Taking complete responsibility for all aspects of cleaning operations and contract management

The ability to clean at both high and low level across the full spectrum of site facilities, including production lines, plant equipment, and ventilation systems

Using only qualified, experienced staff

We work with you to achieve flexibility, versatility, fast response and a cost effective solution to every job

We have serviced all types of building and structure, and have the skill and experience to take care of all areas including those difficult to-reach areas effectively, professionally, and safely. All our staff are IPAF licensed, fully trained in the correct use and application of PPE, PPC and follow safe systems of work at all times.

We have successfully completed both low and high level cleans of factories, warehouses, storage facilities and silos, glass roofs, atria, building exteriors, tower blocks, theatres, supermarkets, leisure centres, shopping malls, and aircraft hangars, and are always looking to expand our repertoire of expertise.

Call us on 0333 7727451 or 01883 340 798

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