0333 7727451, 01883 340 798 or 07926 199783 info@wantageindustrialcleaning.co.uk

Hospital Deep Cleaning & Infection Control

Vantage Industrial Cleaning provides bespoke deep cleaning programmes for clinical environments. We pride ourselves on being able to implement these essential support services with minimal disruption to your day-to-day operations, delivering optimum safety and peace of mind to staff, patients and visitors alike.


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Our Services Include:

A FREE and CONFIDENTIAL Hygiene Survey

Protection against MRSA, C. difficile and all other infections associated with the healthcare environment

Comprehensive hygiene programmes addressing all aspects of infection elimination within live patient areas

Dedicated Project Management

The most reputable and effective cleaning methods and products

Attention to detail is our number one priority: when it comes to infection control, we understand that anything less than a meticulous clean represents a failure. Toilets and washrooms; ceilings, walls, and windows; radiators, paintwork, light fixtures and fittings; beds, chairs, tables, cupboards, cabinets, carpets, floors we leave no stone unturned in the pursuit of cleanliness.

Our Hygiene Operatives are fully trained in Cleaning and Support Services, CRB vetted, and sensitive to the demands of hospital work and life. And for your peace of mind we always place an experienced Project Manager on site who takes full responsibility for staff liaison, quality control, troubleshooting, and meeting deadlines ensuring a smooth operation on the way to achieving a clinically safe environment.

Whatever your specialist cleaning requirements, we will almost certainly have a cost effective solution.

Call us on 0333 7727451 or 01883 340 798

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